Carbon Footprint Reduction
Here's a list of simple things you can do immediately
- Turn it off when not in use (lights, television, DVD player, Hi Fi, computer etc. etc. ...)
- Turn down the central heating slightly (try just 1 to 2 degrees C)
- Turn down the water heating setting (just 2 degrees will make a significant saving)
- Check the central heating timer setting - remember there is no point heating the house after you have left for work
- Fill your dish washer and washing machine with a full load - this will save you water, electricity, and washing powder
- Fill the kettle with only as much water as you need
- Do your weekly shopping in a single trip
- Hang out the washing to dry rather than tumble drying it
- Sign up to a green energy supplier, who will supply electricity from renewable sources (e.g. wind and hydroelectric power) - this will reduce your carbon footprint contribution from electricity to zero.
The following is a list of items that may take an initial investment, but should pay for themselves over the course of 1-4 years through savings on your energy bills.
- Fit energy saving light bulbs
- Install thermostatic valves on your radiators
- Installing cavity wall installation
- By installing 180mm thick loft insulation
- Recycle your grey water
- Replace your old fridge / freezer (if it is over 15 years old), with a new one with energy efficiency rating of "A"
- Replace your old boiler with a new energy efficient condensing boiler.
Travel less and travel more carbon footprint friendly.
- Car share to work, or for the kids school run
- Use the bus or a train rather than your car
- For short journeys either walk or cycle
- Try to reduce the number of flights you take
- See if your employer will allow you to work from home one day a week
- Next time you replace your car - check out diesel engines. With one of these you can even make your own Biodiesel fuel.
- When staying in a hotel - turn the lights and air-conditioning off when you leave your hotel room, and ask for your room towels to be washed every other day, rather than every day
As well as your primary carbon footprint, there is also a secondary footprint that you cause through your buying habits.
- Don't buy bottled water if your tap water is safe to drink
- Buy local fruit and vegetables, or even try growing your own
- Buy foods that are in season locally
- Don't buy fresh fruit and vegetables which are out of season, they may have been flown in
- Reduce your consumption of meat
- Try to only buy products made close to home (look out and avoid items that are made in the distant lands)
- Buy organic produce
- Don't buy over packaged products
- Recycle as much as possible
- Think carefully about the type of activities you do in your spare time. Do any of these cause an increase in carbon emissions? e.g. Saunas, Health clubs, restaurants and pubs, go-karting etc. etc...
Me parece que son acciones muy pequeñas pero que si todos nos unimos y las llevamos a cabo contribuiremos a reducir considerablemente las emisiones de CO2
ResponderEliminarpor mi parte yo hago muchos de los puntos que ahí se describen porque veo que cada vez estamos peor como planeta... vamos matándolo día a día, simplemente sí cambiaramos nuestros hábitos todo sería diferente.
ResponderEliminarHola! Muchas de las cosas comentadas no aplican en mi vida cotidiana y algunas otras las aplico... pero la lista es muy larga por lo que creo que tomare de a un habito a la vez para mejorar el planeta ya que no podemos dejar de hacer algo por el....
ResponderEliminarim trying ....but its more than difficult.
ResponderEliminaru know, I started but in less than a week i forget it. sorry for this beautiful planet ,but I think that the world someday has to end it doesnt matter what we do. (luckyly im not gonna be there for see it)
Muchas de estas cosas realizo otras sin embargo no entran en mi vida cotidiana asi que jamas creo aplicarlas.
ResponderEliminarIgual varias las practico como muchas otras trato de hacerlo sin tenerlo con un hábito diario pero aun asi es bueno hacer el intento y seguir estos pasos.
en lo de la 2da huella estoy completamente de acuerdo, hay cosas bien faciles de hacer, que de hecho yo llevo a cabo. Antes compraba muchas botellas de agua pero ya me decidi a mejor comprar garrafon y un termo para mi agua y tmabien todos los otros puntos son factibles, ademas nos alimentamos mejor :)